As you get started on your journey to success, you want resources.

We’re always adding to our free resources, and you can click on the coaching and training links above to learn more about my support.

You also want other voices and opinions - here are some of my favorite books I read on success and personal development.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
Practical advice for setting and achieving goals has helped millions of people worldwide.

Atomic Habits by James Clear
Provides a clear framework for building good habits and breaking bad ones, which is essential for achieving long-term goals.

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
Explores the science behind habit formation and provides practical strategies for changing your habits to achieve your goals.

Getting Things Done by David Allen
Another classic offers a comprehensive system for managing your time and tasks, which can help you be more productive and achieve your goals.

The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
Emphasizes the importance of focus and helps readers identify the one thing they need to do to achieve their goals.

Essentialism by Greg McKeown
Encourages readers to focus on what's truly important and eliminate distractions, which can help them achieve their goals more efficiently.

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
Offers a morning routine that can help readers start their day off right and achieve their goals more effectively.

Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy
Practical advice for overcoming procrastination and getting things done is essential for achieving your goals.

The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt
Explores lean manufacturing principles through a storytelling format and can help readers apply these principles to achieve their own goals.

Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt
A step-by-step plan for setting and achieving your goals includes practical tools and resources to help you stay on track.

The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier
A series of simple questions that will guide you through any coaching conversation. Just as relevant for family and parenting skills as it is for work

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
Explores vulnerability as the essence of courage and connection and a vital component of success. Challenges the notion that vulnerability is a weakness, emphasizing its power in building meaningful relationships and personal growth.

The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
Teaches powerful lessons about positivity and leadership in story form as we follow the main protagonist, George, as he takes a transformational ride on a bus filled with enthusiastic passengers.

Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracey
A practical guide to achieving financial success through the power of positive habits, providing readers with actionable steps and strategies to transform their lives and build lasting wealth.

Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy
Introduces the concept of "who" as the key to achieving success, emphasizing the power of collaboration and leveraging other people's strengths rather than trying to do everything ourselves.

See You At The Top by Zig Ziglar
Practical advice and strategies for success, focusing on the power of positive thinking, goal setting, and perseverance.

How To Begin by Michael Bungay Stanier
A practical guide that helps readers overcome inertia and take action provides a roadmap for initiating change and creating a fulfilling life.


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